Supporting the rights and well-being of surviving loved ones of homicide and violent crime

Join us as we support and encourage victims and survivors here in North Carolina so that families can heal and communities are made stronger.

Surviving loved ones of homicide victims are left with a lifetime of grief. We offer services that support them and promote their healing.

When a homicide occurs, the person whose life was taken is not the only victim. For each homicide, on average there are up to 10 surviving loved ones who are also victims.  We provide comprehensive services that address traumatic loss and complicated grief.  We train those who work with victims of crime to use victim-centered practices when responding to surviving loved ones of homicide victims.


Support Services

We provide trauma-informed support for families and loved ones of victims after a life is taken or impacted by violence.



We develop and provide victim response training to service providers and allied professionals.



We propose victim-related legislation and advocate for policy that impacts the rights of crime victims at the state level.

We help people navigate life after a loved one is taken from them.


Victim Service Practitioner Certification Academy

Join us for the Spring 2025 NCVAN Victim Service Practitioner Certification Academy!

Orientation (required): Thursday, May 1st, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, May 6 - 22, 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

The Victim Service Practitioner Certification Academy provides practitioners who work with victims of crime with an opportunity to receive 40+ hours of substantial training to bolster their knowledge and experience. Graduates can become certified as an N.C. Victim Service Practitioner and proceed to national certification if desired.

Applications open January 15th.


NCVAN Memorial Garden

The garden provides the opportunity to reflect on the special memories of loved ones, and its tranquility gives the sense of a hopeful future. It includes bricks that line the walkway with names of those taken by violent crime that will be forever etched on our hearts.

Support group, counseling and man with woman for comfort, empathy and understanding in rehab. Cancer, anxiety therapy and people with depression, grief and illness at community center for help

Join the NCVAN Monthly Giving Community

Your monthly gift will provide surviving loved ones with personalized grief counseling.

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