How it Works
In collaboration with the district attorneys’ offices across the state, NCVAN notifies the surviving loved ones of homicide victims of VOCA grant funds' availability to assist them with the financial burden of attending criminal justice proceedings related to their cases. This a grant fund managed by NCVAN and has limited resources. To serve as many homicide survivors as possible, adjustments may be made to the reimbursement applications.
NCVAN’s policies request that travel expenses be kept at the state rate but realize that there may be times when this is not possible, in which case, exceptions are made for reasonable rates. Please contact us with questions, as the project manager reviews cases.
This grant will cover air or ground travel, lodging, and food for up to three eligible surviving loved ones in cases where there has been a life taken by violence.
Assistance is provided to those homicide survivors who are NOT serving as witnesses for the state.
Contact for more information.
Rates For Reimbursement (Updated 10/2021):
In-state $67.30/ night plus tax
$8.00 for breakfast, $10.10 for lunch, and $17.30 for dinner - Itemized receipts required
Ground travel will be covered at 55¢ per mile
Air travel at $500 per person
Related parking fees
Related toll fees
Bus or train fare/Uber/Lyft
In most cases, the prosecuting office completes and submits all forms.
One application should be filed with NCVAN for each loved one BEFORE the court proceeding. The project manager will review the application, send an approval letter to the applying AGENCY, and create a file. The rates and guidelines of this grant should be reviewed with the recipients before any expenses are incurred.
Reimbursement forms with the required signatures and itemized receipts should be sent directly to NCVAN immediately after the court proceeding. Please keep in mind that the fiscal year ends September 30th, and funds are limited.